Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Faves of New York. So Far...

Day One: Rachel Comey

My editor at Interview thought Rachel's gal took a page out of Faye Dunaway's book, but I kind of think that Rachel designs for our generation's heroine: the kind of girl who heavily layers, loves bunnies and always looks hasphasderdly perfect. I also think that Rachel knows that girl because she invented her. What do you think?

Day Two: Jeremy Laing

If they would have consulted fellow Canuck Jeremy Laing on how to inject some Canadian cool into the opening ceremonies of the Vancouver games, we would have been spared the neck-bearded poet, KD Lang and countless Native cliches. What we have gotten was amazing multi-layered rabbit, beaver, knit and Northern lit geometrics.

Day Three: Alexander Wang

A few things I hate: red velvet, ribbed chenille, odd fitting pinstripes. You'd think that I'd really hate Wing Wang's fall show... but think again my friend.

As if possessed by some otherworldly fashion god, I can't help but be drawn to the designer's naughty meets wall street 90's Le Chateau (shout out Canadians!) look. It really needs to be hanging in my closet like asaaaap.

For more Fashion Week commentary, check out my trend roundups:


  1. Loving Rachel Comey's collection!!

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