My friend (and header illustrator!!!) Lauren Tamaki made this Movie Map for an assignment. She mapped out all of the movies she'd ever watched - graphed their emotional effect - and made it look amaze all at the same time! Sheesh!
Tis all, folks! Stolen. Posted. Done.
I love that Patti shares the early years so candidly, that the two had nothing but each other, that they were so broke they could barely eat but managed on dreams alone. It's as if she's coaxing creativity, right? That after years of working in a creative field that's certainly not even close to as simple as 1-2-3, passion and undeniable talent really do get you somewhere! (It might not be the Chelsea Hotel, but it may just be Brooklyn, if you're lucky)
In honour of the volumes of work that the two produced together, check out some of my favourite Patti by Robert portraits below! No doubt you'll recognize some of her classic album covers (Horses, Wave etc), but knowing that these came out of the loving gaze of a friend is even better.
I know, I've been the worst blog contributor ever. It's been months since I've said anything and now I'm back and, uh, complaining? Sorry guys - it's Robin, and I'm here now, and I'm going to try real hard and make it up to you!
Not only have I been missing from the blog, but so has our favorite man of power - Obama! Despite what all of nasty those critics say, we still think Obams is tops and has done a stellar job thus far in his presidency. That being said, we're going to revisit one of our very neglected sections and ask everyone's favorite rhetorical, not-so-politically themed question, What Would Obama Do?
On Tuesday, April 13th NPR (that’s National Public Radio for your Canadians) ran a story that I was a bit grossed out by it. Truth be told, I think Obams would feel the same.
If you listen to the piece – which I would recommend – you’ll find that it discusses how low the return rates are for the U.S. census specifically in large cities like New York, specifically in everyone’s favorite hipster enclave to make fun of and then frequent on the weekend, Williamsburg.
Now being a Greenpointer myself and therefore a nearby northern neighbor, I suppose I shouldn’t make too much fun of the 'Berg and for the most part I don’t. But here’s the thing, and listening to the NPR clip will really get you going with this one, the return rate for the U.S. Census in Willamsburg is 30%. If it’s been a while since your last math lesson, then I’ll have you know that that means that 70% of people in Williamsburg have not submitted their Census (Censei?) forms.
Being someone who likes to fill out forms (either I’m super anal about being organized or just so narcissistic that I enjoy answering questions about myself) I filled out this form in the first five minutes that my second level apartment received it. When I stopped to confirm with my roommate that she had no Hispanic origins, she requested I fib a bit and say that she did. On the census? No! was my answer. This is the census! If there’s one thing we’re not going to lie on, it’s the Census.
I’ll let the NPR story give you the rest of the info. Sure, they only talk to a few folks, and sure – a large percentage of Williamsburg’s population is made up of Hasidic Jews who are just as much to blame for not filling out their Census forms. The thing is, I’m not sure why the people of Willliamsburg – or anywhere, for that matter – can’t just fill out a quick form, pure and simple. Or really, if you’d rather, I’ll do it for you.
In this case, we hardly need to even ask "What Would Obama Do?" because the guy is the one who's asking practically asking you to fill out the form. But that's not the point. The point is that he would fill out the Census without even thinking about it because it's his civil duty, and it's just what you do.
So come on guys, do the damn thing and fill out that census!
2. Look to your left. Grab the first object you see and put it on your head. A plate is fine, a mug would be better. A pack of cigs... even better.
3. If that don't feel hardcore enough for you, go searching for a plant or a live animal (a lobster preferably, as long as it's not slaughtered near Snookie).
This is actually a pretty historically relevant so extra points for you! (aristocratic women in the late 1890's - early 1900's wore full animals on top of their hats, raccoons, birds, rodents... oy vey!)
4. Tulle, chicken wire, or bubble wrap handy? Perfect veil material...
5. We're almost done, but let's not forget the finishing touches... know an up and coming totally brill artist-cum-designer, designer-cum-artist, rich boy-turned-rebel or rebel-turned poor boy?
Introduce them to your high flying life by bringing them to the castle of your friend, the Duchess.
6. Finally, stay away from pills and pesticides... we can't afford to lose another of fashion's greatest visionary whack jobs.
Together with partner Corey Gibbs, Dan's debut Cult de Laissez Faire for Fall was just what every toughed out whisky drinkin SOB (buying in 2010, mind you) could ask for. Low-crotched, bagged and black seperates that recalled Mohammed Ali and Alex Wang just the same. The video was like the 2010 version of those old Frankie Goes to Hollywood t-shirts (you know, Frankie says RELAX1) in hyper-speedy and hollogrammed form.