Update Alert! I just read that Lara was actually named for Julie's famed character!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Ode to Lara and Lara
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray! Jeffrey Monteiro to Bill Blass

Because this blog is really all about ME and the people I know and love, I just wanted to give a quick lil shout out to Jeffrey Monteiro, who’s just been appointed Head Designer at the legendary house of Bill Blass. I can't wait to see how Jeffrey's quiet tailoring and bold colour combos shape the house of Blass in the coming seasons.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Swift Idolatry
But before I wax on about my days as an obsessed Backstreet Boys fan, let’s get back to Tay Tay and her amazing looking spread in the just-released T Magazine. If Sharon Tate circa Valley of the Dolls and Sue Lyon circa Lolita had a baby who inspired Prada’s Spring collection… it’d be Taylor don’t you think? Don’t you loooooove her in clunk shoes? And the bouffant? I die!

Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pop (Up Shop) Life
Holt Renfrew showed up to the Pop Up party (I just want to say Pop Up again, okay?) with bells on, in their new temp space at 560 King St. West in Toronto, which is open until this Sunday. Featuring a jazzed up decidedly un-Holtsish space of contemporary and vintage clothes, accessories, trinkets and beauty products, the the shop is carefully constructed to look as chicly random as possible. Everything from vintage YSL to Philip Sparks to Sorel boots is mixed together in a hodgepodge of buy-me-now!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Art Attack: Besties As Models

Check out more of Nicole's work at http://nicolelesser.com/
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Reading Rainbow: Fifty Dresses That Changed The World
London's famed Design Museum agrees with us! Their new book, 50 Dresses That Changed the World singles out the most notable dresses over the last century, spanning from Mariano Fortuny's multi-pleat Delphos dresses from 1915 to Hussein Chalayan's LED dress from his 2007 Airborne collection.
For any former fashion student, this book reads like a trip down memory lane. For any fashion newbie, this book is like the bible. But wait, where are the accoutrements you ask? Get this, they've released 50 Shoes that Changed The World too! Check out my fave looks from the book below:
From left: Madeleine Vionnet's Goddess Dress was a Grecian vision back in 1931, Gianni Versace's Safety-Pin dress, made famous by Elizabeth Hurley in 1994, Marilyn's Seven Year Itch Dress from 1955 made by Travilla.

A newer version of Yves Saint Laurent's 1965 Mondrian dress, Rudy Gernreich's Topless Dress, pictured here in 1970 with pastied-up models, Halston's breezy Halter Dress, pictured here at the height of disco daze with Marisa Berenson in 1977.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Katie Girl of the Month: Naomi Smart

Saturday, October 31, 2009
It's Showtime with Open Ocean!
always sometimes from Open Ocean on Vimeo.
Two Wrongs That Make a Right

Sunday, October 18, 2009
Talent Scout: Veronica So Pt. 2

As Veronica puts it, 'the magazine explores the way technology and futurism informs design and fashion and vice versa'... (did she say futurism? I'm down!) Among other things, the first issue features the likes of Thierry Mugler, Hussein Chalayan and the cyber-punk artists Aids-3d.
Oh and she's looking for like minded fashion geeks! If you feel passionately about Chewbacca and would like to contribute to L_A_N, email her at veronicawso@gmail.com!

'A Lovely, Lyrical, Lilting Name... Lolita'

There was most certainly an air of school-girl-gone-bad on the runways this season, and what with Polanski being in the news so often lately to do with his own Dolores Haze, it's pretty apparent that the Lolita Effect is making its way back into our psyche. And when you think about it, it's quite a strange thing to be appealing, isn't it?
I wont go as far as to say that its recurrence has something to do with our sexualized youth, because clearly the story of Lolita goes back way further than Britney Spears, but there is definitely something to be said for it's obvious influence on several shows this season, including Chanel, Miu Miu and Christopher Kane, pictured above.

We Heart Philip Sparks! (even if he won't make us clothes...)

It's Fashion Week here in Toronto, and last week I stopped by Philly's (as I so affectionately call him) show... True to form, I was majorly late and got there in just time to say hi to friends on their way out, but what I did get me was a peek of the collection backstage (as well as some tasty male models undressing... tee hee)
For Spring, Philip's bespoke aesthetic was transformed into an easy breezy collection of seersucker, khaki and best of all, vintage inspired prints which were made in collaboration with textile designer, Kerry Croghan.
If I haven't made it clear so far, CHECK IT OUT!
Friday, October 16, 2009
"Can You Turn This Up Please? You Wont Be Sorry"
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Fierce Kitty Ferocia!

Monday, October 12, 2009
Eating for Art's Sake with Anne Koch
"My first film was 'Eat (potato chips)' taken in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan, India. I first thought was “Oh my goodness, this is such a gorgeous piece of backdrop, this is incredible...I need to do something here...' And I just bought a packet of crisps right there, 8 ft away from where I was standing. I wanted to stand, not move, and just have the rest of the world move. My decision to conduct an action, eating, was first subconsciously to parody the tourists that gawk and look, kind of like at a zoo, like when they stand and watch, at everything and nothing...but also to be doing something mundane and everyday"
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Babe of the Biweekly: Pete Campbell

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Reading Rainbow: Lillian Bassman Women

One of the only female photographers of her time, Bassman was of the lucky few to be nurtured under Alexey Brodovitch (along with her longtime love and husband of 74 years, Paul Himmel). It was while working under the famed art director at Harper's Bazaar that Bassman started to experiment with screwing around in the darkroom, developing tricks to alter images using objects as simple as tissue paper and spatulas. "I was interested in creating a new kind of vision aside from what the camera saw," she once said.
Bassman photographed some of the most beautiful and famous glamazons of her era, including Dovima, Suzy Parker and Jean Shrimpton, but her ability to manipulate and blur beautiful faces like theirs is what transforms her work into art. Bassman may have come to age at a time when photography and art were not exactly simpatico, but it's safe to say that her work transcends both labels. What it is, is pure genius.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
A Sweet Dream or A Beautiful Nightmareeeee

Most importantly though, I see it as the standout visionary collection for where we are actually headed with fashion in the 21st century. Marrying rich couture elements with high-tech prints… the collection was a real connection between the past, present and future. And if this is where things are headed… I’m happier than a pig in shit with warrior hair.
Monday, October 5, 2009
So This Is What They Meant by Eau de Toilette!
Aside from two potties being blocked off because of drunk douchebags doing the obviously douchbaggy thing and ruining the cake and strawberry potties, the whole thing was a sensory overload…in the best way possible. My favorite was the potty filled to the brim with delish smelling yellow flowers!
The night was filled with too many amazing exhibits to count, but to give you a peek at what my favorites were, I’ve stolen some pictures from The Torontoist’s coverage of Nuit Blanche.

"What Is It With You, Plastics?"

Friday, October 2, 2009
Opening Ceremony x Where The Wild Things Are

But realises now, if anyone is looking to get me a half-year birthday present, the vest is a super reasonable $415….available at http://www.openingceremony.us/ Thanks!
And yet another time for the cheap seats: watch this trailer for the 90th time. Get faclempt. Then look around the room like you were just sneezing.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Okay, So I Do Have A Comment On Milan!